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Abigail Hope Vernon joined our family on August 10th, 2007 at 10:30 am, at 21.5 inches and 7 pounds 13 ounces. We are amazed by her every day and are so grateful for this healthy, beautiful baby girl.

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What is your #1 baby gadget?

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Over the past few weeks, the reality of having a baby in a little over 4 months has started to set in. Maybe it's the recent arrival of our friend's baby girl, or maybe it's the fact that we have crossed that half-way mark, but either way, those notorious pregnancy-nesting-tendencies are starting to appear!

Up until now, I've avoided thinking too much about "preparing for the baby". I'm sure, in some ways, there was an element of self-protection involved; if we had another miscarriage, I didn't want to have too many "baby things" hanging around making the grieving process that much more difficult. However, on a lighter note, probably a larger part of my procrastination was just that - procrastination; nine months really feels like a long time and it's easy to say to yourself,"There will be plenty of time for that later." But like I said, with just four months to go it's time to start getting ready for the baby!

Now, the process of "getting ready for the baby" can mean very different things depending on what culture you're in! For instance, when an Akha baby is born, the only "supplies" needed are a few sets of clothes and some fabric for an Akha baby sling. Sometimes the Akha will make a baby hammock out of an empty rice sack strung between two bamboo poles, but other than these few simple items, the arrival of the baby doesn't require too much preparation. In our two years living in a village, we've seen many children grow up happy and healthy with just these "bare necessities" to carry them through their first months of life. In America, however, "getting ready for the baby," takes on a whole different meaning! Just look at everything included in a traditional American nursery checklist, not to mention all the fancy gadgets & accessories available to today's parents, like baby-wipe warmers, cribside mp3 docks and even "pee pee tee pees"!

During the past few weeks, I've been feeling really caught between these two drastically different worlds! On one hand, there's no denying the fact that I'm an American. When I think about preparing for a baby, my mind immediately finds itself in the land of cribs, changing tables and rocking chairs! On the other hand, we are working with the Akha and we desire to understand the Akha culture and way of life not only through observation, but through experience. So, we find ourselves in that familiar, yet tricky, situation of finding a balance.

Right now, we're trying to narrow down all the options out there and decide what items will really be useful in simplifying our life with a baby. This is where you come in! I want to hear from all you parents out there, those of you in America as well as any missionary parents on the field.... What is your #1 "must-have" baby item?

Comments on "What is your #1 baby gadget?"

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

With Jeremy being 6 weeks old now, I definitely have a few ideas. Although I keep finding myself saying, well they might not need that there, so here are a couple ideas and you can decide for yourself how they might work for you.

First off, for nursing moms, which I assume in Thailand you would be. (Very cheap, goes everywhere you go, healthy for mom and baby, no warming bottles in the middle of the night, etc.) You absolutely must have a Boppy (goes by other names too.) The C shaped nursing pillow. I did not have one when I nursed Ethan, and ended up developing tendenitis in my wrist, and had very achy arms and shoulders. This pillow allows you to be comfortable, relaxed and hold your baby very naturally while you sit and nurse. I know this sounds weird, but I have very much enjoyed nursing my boys and LOL am pretty good at it. I am a virtual dairy. This pillow has made things much more comfortable this time, I highly recommend it.

Second thought, a pak-n-play. They are portable, can be taken anywhere you go, allows the baby to have a comfortable, safe environment that enables parents to walk away briefly if needed without worrying. Babies can sleep in them and have a familiar environment for them.

A carseat...for obvious reasons.

Something you might also find interesting is a book called, "On Becoming Babywise" by Gary Ezzo & Robert Bucknam. The book is about helping you understand why it's important and helps with good tips on how to put your baby on a schedule right after the baby is born. The theory is, babies need certain amounts of food, awake time and sleep right off, and by facilitating a healthy schedule you will be putting their metabolism in line right away which allows them to be happier, and healthier. Plus, the perk is they claim almost all babies on thie schedule with sleep through the night within 6-8 weeks. Well, with Ethan I tried the theory although I had not read the book. I didn't have any help or any ideas, just tried it on a whim. Ethan cried for an hour straight and I never tried it again. Consequently he never really had much of a regular schedule his first year, and took 6 or 7 months to sleep through the night. After reading the book, and trying it for 1/2 a day, my 6 week old slept through the night last night. Plus, today he has had 2 fitful 1-1 1/2 hour naps without waking up within a couple minutes of putting him down which is what we had been dealing with. Needless to say, their reasoning and theory seems logical, and a good healthy way to raise kids in a family, so I recommend this book. I also think it would be much easier to start it right away instead of 6 weeks later. There has been quite a bit of crying in the last 24 hours, however it seems to be working so it's worth it. :)

So, there is my lengthy 2 cents. I am so excited for you Lori. Motherhood is awesome and so special. I kind of feel bad for the guys since they really don't get to experience it like we do, feeling the baby inside moving around is just amazing. If I think of anything else, I'll let you know. Also, I'll send you a link to our online photo albums soon. The baby is getting really big really quick.

Love you both!

April 6, 2007 at 6:09 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

Congratulations Lori!!!
I don't know what other moms are saying but I would think that you would need a small crib or bassinet, maybe a bounce type seat, I have seen several that are travel ready so they are smaller and more compact. I couldn't use a sling because it hurt my back when they got older, so I used an ergo baby carrier, they have there own website. Cloth diapers for spitting up or just wash cloths. A nursing bra and a sleep nursing bra, the regular bra has an underwire with flaps that have a small clip at the top to open to get to the breast, and the sleep nursing bra is more like a sports bra with flaps to get to the breasts. Infant Tylenol, baby nail clippers, and baby soap. A Johnny jump up might be fun when the baby gets a little older.

You are in our prayers.

April 6, 2007 at 6:11 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

A travel swing (they are really small and low to the ground. You would have to have batteries, so I’m not sure if it is possible). They are such a great way to soothe a baby. They can nap in the swing, too.

A playpen for them to sleep, nap, hang out in? They are portable, most come with a sort of mosquito net that can go over the top…we dragged ours everywhere.

Other than that, probably you need lots of cloth diapers, diaper rash cream, pins, baby Tylenol and ibuprofen, a thermometer, a nose aspirator, a pacifier, lots of onesies (is it mostly warmer weather there?), some blankets…

Breastfeeding ointment that comes in a tube. I would get her a couple tubes of it. Also, get a book called “the womanly art of breastfeeding”…so helpful when my mom was far away!

I think the Akha sling is probably the thing you will use the most! I’m not joking! That way you can tote the baby around wherever.

When baby starts to sit up and stand, it is nice to have an exersaucer to stand them up in. You won’t need that for several months.


April 6, 2007 at 6:13 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

* If you will be using a high chair, wheels on the legs are a must. Even before Sarah was eating solids, I could put her in the high chair and it seemed to give her a new vantage point on life. It entertained her to be there. And the wheels to this day, allow me to contain her, allow her to "follow" me around, and if I have fed her and want her to remain upright for a while so to minimize spitting up, etc, I can wheel her throughout the house with me, and believe me, I do, and I can continue to work on laundry, bed making, cleaning, bathing, etc, etc. That is probably my all-time favorite luxury. And I didn't even plan it on purpose. I discovered the glory of high chair wheels after I began to use the chair. I guess if you are in a one-room living situation, or a multi-level house with lots of stairs it wouldn't be as helpful. But in my house, it is truly a "must". I love it. On some occasions, I put her in it even when it isn't meal time, and give her a toy, and then I can control what she doesn't get in to while I take her around the house with me and tend to things. I guess maybe like a playpen, only different. Also, it allows me to move her from kitchen to dining room if I feed her first in the kitchen to contain her mess, but then have her join us at a meal in the dining room.

* When Sarah was younger, I also really appreciated her bouncy seat. Again, it kept her elevated a bit, kept her from getting bored in a totally laying down flat position, allowed me to move her around the house as I needed to go, but she hated to see me leave, etc.

* At about five months, the exersaucer became very valuable. Entertaining, etc. Still is. But I will say she is far more interested now to crawl all over the place, so we need to find the right mood for her to truly enjoy it now.

Of course, little chew toys, rattles, etc. I also have become a believer in pacifiers. I know some are against them. But I believe I've watched Sarah use them appropriately as a way that helps her calm down, etc. A friend of mine who works with babies in a therapy/clinic setting, explained to me that there is truly a physiological impact of sucking that soothes and calms.

Of course you wouldn't go without toys and rattles. But of all the above, I would say the high chair with wheels is my favorite.

I'm so happy for you, Lori, Paul and the whole family.


April 6, 2007 at 6:14 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

Wow, what a great question!! So many thoughts - so little time.
Here's a first stab at it.

-Monitors are handy if you have a situation where you will often want
to be out of earshot.

-a baby bathtub - a sink works just as well.

- pacifiers. My kids never took them, just spit them out of their
mouths. But many of my friends use them with great benefit.

- A few water proof diaper changing pads - awesome! I love the
disposable ones.

- bottles - get Avent, they're the best, get nipples for various ages

I highly recommend a pack and play - it is perhaps my most often
used possesion. When they are a baby - they can sleep in it. As they grow, it provides a safe place for them to play. When they are
toddlers, it gives a great space for a time out!! Compact, easy
travel, good investment. Get a good one!! I would recommend using
this instead of a crib if they are short on space and money.

- It's really nice to have some soft hoody towels for after bath time.

- breast pump - this goes back to the nursing question. If it is a
high priority to you to nurse your baby, I strongly recommend investing
in a Medela electric double breast pump.


April 6, 2007 at 6:15 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

But, I would say these are my must-haves...

1. Baby front pack carrier
2. Monitor
3. Wash cloths/towels
4. Bouncy seat or swing (I think I saw one at Target that does both)
5. Crib (if they are short on space a Pack-n-play is great because it works as a crib/play pen/changing station (newer ones) and also is portable and folds down easily
6. Stroller/car seat (the travel systems are great because its all in one)
7. Diaper bag or backpack
8. Changing pads
9. Burp cloths

That's all I can think of right now but I'm sure some of the more recently new moms would know more. Hope that helps!

April 6, 2007 at 6:18 AM  

Blogger candymacdad said ::

(I can tell that you are getting lot's of 'American' advice!)

I don't particularly have a favorite baby gadget, I'll let my wife fill that list in. I just thought of the observations that we have made over the years, especially when we go to restaurants. When we had our daughter, we took a full size diaper bag full of clothes, blankets, toys, diapers, rash creams, powder, bottled breast milk....etc. The bag was huge and at times weighed as much as the child. As we had more kids, we realized we can carry everything we need in a small diaper bag about 5"x8"x4". We see new parents in restaurants and notice all of the stuff they bring with them. I think with time you too will see the wisdom of your Akha neighbors and ditch some the extraneous items for simplicity.

Good to hear that things are going well and that you are excited about the big day.

April 6, 2007 at 11:39 AM  

Blogger leilani fumiko said ::

well, i will speak from my Daisy- n-Elsie-lovin' experience. I looove Praise Baby DVD. It has saved me quite a few times. I often say, "I will not become a mom without praise baby." of course everyone has different opinions on when to introduce the little bubbas to tv and movies. but at 17 mos and 2yrs 9mos, both the girls get way into it and it's always good to "sing Jesus" as Daisy says. she makes up her own songs to Jesus! I take nanny right to bragg about the bragg girls.

April 6, 2007 at 11:53 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

From all of the young moms and grandmas I know, I will say that the Pak-n-Play is something that has been valuable, especially for times you are not at home. Also, I know two extraordinary couples who have used "On Becoming Babywise". It is a very systematic discipline approach and their kids are thriving emotionally emotionally. They are very happy children.

April 7, 2007 at 9:25 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

Well, I was equipped with all the "American necessities" and have found that I have used the following the most, if not, exclusively:
Burp rags - flannel soak up best
Diapers/Wipes - wet rag also works for wipes
Pak-n-Play - make sure it's light weight
Baby swing - my 2nd baby lived in it (it was the only way I could get a rest) - again, think light weight
Binkies - we like Nuk brand for tooth development
Onesies - you'll need more than you think in the first 3 months (think diaper blow-outs and spit up galore)
Blankets for swaddling - cotton and somewhat stretchy work best for a tight swaddle
Snugli or Sling - great for a mobile/active mommy
Love and Blessings,
Tina Ferry

April 7, 2007 at 9:26 AM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

Congratulations on the coming little one! I got the email from your mom and since I have an 18 month old, I'd thought I'd pass along of few of my "must haves". There are so many things out there for babies, and many are a waste of money...but there are a few that I couldn't have lived without:
1. diaper wipe warmer - I know that it seems frivolous, but it makes the "middle of the night" diaper changes go a lot smoother...nothing will wake up a baby more than the jolt of a cold, wet wipe to the tush. I still use it and my son is over a year and a half!
2. pack n play - we use it all the time. It's great for travel, or if you are going to be somewhere during your baby's nap time. They are a snap to set up (I can do it in less than 1 minute) and are lightweight.
3. Good solid umbrella stroller - once your baby can sit up on his/her own, they are so handy. Big strollers are bulky and take up a lot of room.
4. soft baby carrier - I splurged on a Baby Bjorn front carrier and I definately got my money's worth. I know that there are many different'll want some kind of carrier. It's the only way you'll get your floors swept :)

Blessings to you!
Janna C.

April 7, 2007 at 11:03 PM  

Blogger faceunveiled said ::

WOW- Thanks for your comments everyone! Great ideas!

April 7, 2007 at 11:16 PM  

Anonymous Anonymous said ::

Well, each child is different, but I do have some thoughts on what both of our kiddos liked.
-Some sort of baby carrier.
-a boucy seat or a swing so you can put your baby down with his or her head up (this helps keep them from getting ear infections when congested since it helps their eustatian (sp?) tubes drain)
-burp rags (I like the old-school cloth diapers)
-some sort of breast pump. I just have a manual one to relieve the pressure when I am feeling full or to pump on occasion. Unless you are going to be doing a lot of pumping, you probably won't need an electric one. But if you do go electric, buy the Medela one that was mentioned earlier. The other ones are said to burn out their motors rather quickly.
- Changing pads are a must since blowouts are just about inevitable, and you want a surface that is easy to wash when you put them down to change them after such a messy occurrence.
-pack and plays are nice for keeping your little one off of the floor and contained. Plus, if you have your little one sleep there, you can take it with you on trips, and they will have a familiar environment when going to sleep in an unfamiliar place.
-As far as toys go, I like the Lamaze horse, bug, and fish that we have. They are washable, and they provide different textures, sounds, and bright colors. Oh, and links are soooo handy for so many reasons.
Well, I could go on, but I guess I have said my share. Have fun deciding what to get.

April 8, 2007 at 5:19 PM  

faceunveiled says ::