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Welcome to our Baby's Blog! Here you can follow all of the news, updates and details of pregnancy and parenthood. Feel free to leave us comments, questions or suggestions as we go through this process and continue or work in Northern Thailand.

Abigail Hope Vernon joined our family on August 10th, 2007 at 10:30 am, at 21.5 inches and 7 pounds 13 ounces. We are amazed by her every day and are so grateful for this healthy, beautiful baby girl.

Thanks for taking the time to view our Baby's Blog - We hope you enjoy!

Awww, Look at the Baby!

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

In our last adventure we talked about 2am feedings, dealing with unpleasant fluids, and figuring out how to keep her happy. Not much has changed, Lori's still plugging away preparing me for fatherhood. Distracted by all of these things, I hadn't yet gotten around to posting the results from our ultrasound here on Baby Notes. So for all you clamoring fans (or to you few relatives who are interested) here are the results from our first (official) ultrasound:

Baby's First Picture
Baby's first Picture
Our little baby Tumnus

In this corner, weighing in at under an ounce with a height of 2.9 cm and a confirmed head, heartbeat and butt - it's Tumnus!

It was really cool to see the baby, but an ultrasound is still just an ultrasound - unless you get one of those nifty 3d ultrasounds. The doctor pointed out the head, heartbeat and butt, measuring from the foremost to the latter, and we were just happy that everything is continuing to progress well. On the printout, however, I think the resemblance is more similar to Tumnus than to Lori or I. Not that I think it's a boy (necessarily), I just think it looks like a faun.

We go back on the 5th of February to listen to the fetal heartbeat and take another ultrasound (at $10 a shot here they do them pretty often)

We'll keep you posted!

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