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Baby Notes

Follow along with us on this exciting journey

Welcome to our Baby's Blog! Here you can follow all of the news, updates and details of pregnancy and parenthood. Feel free to leave us comments, questions or suggestions as we go through this process and continue or work in Northern Thailand.

Abigail Hope Vernon joined our family on August 10th, 2007 at 10:30 am, at 21.5 inches and 7 pounds 13 ounces. We are amazed by her every day and are so grateful for this healthy, beautiful baby girl.

Thanks for taking the time to view our Baby's Blog - We hope you enjoy!

Abi's First Word

Friday, November 30, 2007

Unlike Lori, I never promised myself that I wouldn't write mass amounts of posts about my children. That, combined with the fact that much of our recent ministry tasks have been less than blogworthy (really great, just not exciting on a monitor) and the fact that the Broncos have also been less than blogworthy gives me complete freedom to put up another post about my baby girl.

The other day Abi said her first word, and John caught it on camera. You might not believe she said anything after you see this video, but to everyone in the room it was clear as day (we even had a Dr. in the room and HE heard it, if that ain't proof I don't know what is...)

I also added a blip at the end of the clip that shows how much I have embraced this "talking about my kid" thing.

Learning to Laugh

Abi changes so much every day. She is much more aware of the world around her, she is starting to play with toys on her mobile (which is worthy of a full post in itself - that one can be yours Lori) and really knows her Mom and Dad.

She recognizes us and smiles at us. It just melts the heart, it does...

Just recently she has started laughing, or maybe learning to laugh is the better way to explain it. She will only laugh for her daddy. This is to guarantee that he will love her forever and ever.

Big Blue Eyes

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Abi's "baby blues" are sticking around, and are even lightening to "people blues" - much to the delight of her mom and dad. The other day on the drive up to Mae Salong we stopped for a few pictures of the gorgeous flowers that grow on the side of the mountains. Abigail really liked the flowers, but the thrilling thing was that we finally caught a good shot of those blue, blue eyes.

Abi looking at the Yellow Flowers of Mae SalongBaby Blues!

Go Broncos!

We love Monday Night Football games because every once in a while everything is aligned and we are in the city, our internet is working and we have no other commitments.

If, on those rare occasions the NFL schedule works in our favor, we can even occasionally watch a Broncos game Live!

As you can see, Abi is already a huge Broncos fan - she can barely take her eyes off the game

Go Broncos Baby!Broncos Baby!

Diaperless Update

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

You may remember a post a few months back about our plans to "go diaperless". Many of you have been asking how it's going, so I thought I'd take a few minutes to fill you in.

First of all, "diaperless" is actually a bit of a misnomer for us. I guess that's why so many people using this method prefer the term "Elimination Communication". While we're at home in the city, we use a combination of cloth and disposable diapers; cloth during the day and disposables at night. The cloth diapers (without plastic covers) allow us to really tune in to Abi's timing, since we can feel immediately when she is wet. Also, the cloth diapers provide a bit of extra motivation for us to pay attention to her signals and give her plenty of potty opportunities, because, let's be honest here, no one likes to get peed on! When we're in the village, Abi doesn't wear diapers at all during the day, only a loose fitting pants. We use these because all our laundry in the village is done by hand and absorbent cloth diapers would be a real pain! However, even in the village we put her in disposables at night, because we all like sleep just a little to much to be fussing with anything else!

We started sitting Abi on the toilet for her morning-pee when she was just seven days old, so, as you can see in the pictures, she's pretty comfortable with the whole process. In fact, we suspect she even likes it! Paul and I really like it as well; it's such a good fit for our lives, especially village life! It is so amazing to practice EC in the village where it is second nature to everyone (except us, that is!) For example, whenever I'm letting Abi "go potty" in the village, one of the young girls will automatically run to the well for a pan of water to wash her bottom with. Honestly, I probably wouldn't even think to ask for water, but theses little girls totally know the drill because it's absolutely normal for them! So many aspects of our lives seem odd to our friends in the village, so it's really nice to do something that's viewed as completely normal!

Beyond enjoying the cultural relevance of the EC method, we have to admit that we really love not having to deal with too many poopy diapers! By now, I would say that we catch about 90% of "twosies"; in fact, in the last two months I can only think of 4 instances where we had to change a poopy a diaper! And now that Abi is starting to have stinkier, sticker grown-up-baby poops (I know you all wanted to know that), we're especially happy that most of that poo goes directly in the toilet!

For those of you who are still skeptical, here's proof! I think she's about 6 weeks old in this video.

Little Abi (about two weeks old) going potty at home in Chiang Rai!Going potty at home in the villageAbi going potty outside before her bath.

Abi's First Boat Ride

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

We were helping out the sponsor team from Denver yesterday, showing them some of the Tourist sites of Northern Thailand. At the end of the day we took a longboat over to Laos for a little shopping and site seeing.

Abi had been doing great all day, but we wondered what she would think about the boat ride. It turns out we did not need to worry - she loved it. She sat the whole time taking in everything she could - and she especially liked the wind on her face.

Here are some images from the ride:

Baby Abi tied to the Life Jacket.On the Boat to Laos.Taking in the sites on the way to Laos.