Other than the nausea, the obvious physical changes of pregnancy come slowly at first, after all there's no kicking or waddling yet, so the only time I really feel like Lori is pregnant is when we go visit the doctor or, in my thinking, when we go visit the baby. We have another appointment with Lori's OB/GYN tonight. On the agenda:
Listening to the Fetal Heartbeat. I don't think we'll be able to podcast this one, so you all will just have to take our word for it.
Morning Sickness News, Lori has continued to improve. She was able to spend much of Friday and Saturday at House of Joy while I helped our director work on his dissertation. Yesterday, however, was another rough day for her so we're not completely out of the woods yet. Keep her in your prayers!
We'll fill you in with more news as we learn it.