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Welcome to our Baby's Blog! Here you can follow all of the news, updates and details of pregnancy and parenthood. Feel free to leave us comments, questions or suggestions as we go through this process and continue or work in Northern Thailand.

Abigail Hope Vernon joined our family on August 10th, 2007 at 10:30 am, at 21.5 inches and 7 pounds 13 ounces. We are amazed by her every day and are so grateful for this healthy, beautiful baby girl.

Thanks for taking the time to view our Baby's Blog - We hope you enjoy!

You Be the Judge!

Saturday, March 3, 2007

Baby Belly?
"Are you showing yet?" asked my mother eagerly during a recent Skype call. Well, that is a tricky question of late. On one hand, I can certainly tell a difference in my belly. The email I received this week from says that right now the baby is about the size of an avocado. That seems about right to me; I can certainly imagine an avocado in my belly causing this little bulge.

However, on the other hand, no one else seems to see any change whatsoever in my physique. All of my clothes still fit and I think they even tend to hide that little avocado that I'm carrying around. The other day I found myself sitting with two other pregnant women who were 5 and 6 months along.
No   Belly Yet?
They were very vocal about how I was not "showing" yet (especially in comparison to their own recent progression) and concluded that it was because this is my first, and they each have one child already.

It seems to me that "showing" is a very subjective term (especially at week 16), so I thought I'd present you with the evidence and let you decide for yourselves! Here are two pictures taken on the same day in different clothes to show you how I'm both "showing" and "not showing" at the same time.

Comments on "You Be the Judge!"

Blogger Stephanie said ::

Lori, Thank you for your comment on my blog and the reminder from Scripture. I have since visited your blogs and wanted to say congratulations on your pregnancy! It is also so neat to "meet" other young missionary couples around the world. We have dear friends who are new missionaries in Bangkok, and a couple of years ago I had the great (albeit very challenging, as she spoke not a word of English) experience of working one-on-one with a young Hmong girl in an area junior high school. May God bless your ministry for Him among the Akha Hilltribe! ~Stephanie

March 3, 2007 at 9:56 PM  

Blogger faceunveiled said ::

Stephanie- Thanks for taking the time to visit the site! We feel the same way; it's great that all of us missionaries can connect up through our blogs! The world of missions has certainly changed a lot in the past 50 years huh?

March 27, 2007 at 3:58 AM  

Blogger leilani fumiko said ::

well Lori you are definitely the cutest pregnant woman out there!
You're little avocado reminds me of how magazines always think every celebrity is pregnant when they have a little pouch--after they ate a burger or something. You're still so little, girl! Of course, if I didn't know you, I wouldn't ask, but I might suspect a little tub of joy growin' in there!That's my two cents.

April 6, 2007 at 11:33 AM  

faceunveiled says ::